
You manage equipment spread over several sites and which must transit from one site to another in a regular and coordinated manne.

You need to know where each piece of equipment is located precisely and if this equipment is being used and how.


  • Your equipment is on a variety of sites: warehouses or storage areas, construction sites distributed over areas more or less covered by the usual IoT networks, etc.
  • You already have a lot to do with the maintenance of your equipment and you have no time to dedicate to connected objects.
  • You would need several combined technologies & solutions to cover all your needs, creating therefore complexity and out-of-control budget.
Pile drivers at work building the foundation for a new road through a steep, forested area on Mindoro Island, Philippines.

OLYNTEC Solution

OLYNTEC offers regular monitoring wherever you are.
OLYNTEC device integrates BlueTooth Low Energy, Clovernet, Wi-Fi, GPS, LTE-M, LoRaWan, Sigfox, and Kinéis satellite connectors.

  • Thanks to our embedded middleware and its innovative algorithm, seamless switch of signal from one network to another, hooking the most efficient one according to your needs.
  • Optimization of information transmission costs by pooling signals from nearby objects and choice of network with the least expensive data
  • Optimization of battery use by also arbitrating on the energy required for the connection.
  • The algorithm adapts to your needs for your optimal use.
  • A clear and simple subscription including the supply of IoT devices – no need to invest heavily from the beginning or to choose a technology!
  • Depending on your needs defined during the pilot phase (POC), we design a tailor-made proposal. The subscription then includes:
    • Supply of OLYNTEC IoT devices (including support installation),
    • Subscription to the needed networks including estimated data consumption,
    • Secured data collection and storage on a dedicated cloud server that you only have access to,
    • Restitution of your data on a web portal and/or API.


With OLYNTEC, taking inventory becomes child’s play and you can (finally) manage your equipment fleet centrally, reliably, and regularly!
Your data is a strength – (finally) use it fully!