
Vous transportez ou faites transporter des biens et des équipements de valeur que vous souhaitez suivre et pour lesquels vous devez monitorer certains paramètres :

Your goods and equipment follow complex logistics routes:


  • Existing IoT solutions do not cover your entire logistics flow, and if you want full coverage, you need to rely on multiple providers
  • With existing solutions, your IoT project is complex and requires significant financial, technical, and human investments.

OLYNTEC Solution

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) when other objects are nearby,
  • LoRaWan or Sigfox for indoor transmissions,
  • LTE-M when network coverage is available,
  • Kinéis Satellite when there is no cellular coverage,
  • Wi-Fi and GPS for the most precise location possible in all circumstances

Thanks to our embedded middleware and our innovative algorithm, the device connects the most economical network (optimized data volume and data consumption costs negotiated by multiple operators) and the least energy-consuming (shared signal for nearby objects and battery optimization for better autonomy).

  • The subscription to our offer includes the supply of OLYNTEC’s all-in-one IoT devices – no need for you to invest heavily from the beginning!
  • During the pilot phase (POC), we define your needs together and offer you a personalized subscription that includes:
    • IoT devices with the necessary network data subscriptions
    • Secured data collection and storage on a dedicated cloud server that you only have access to
    • Restitution of your data on a web portal and/or API


With OLYNTEC, managing your inventories becomes child’s play, and you can (finally) manage your equipment fleet in a centralized, reliable, and regular manner!